男子被控在不列颠哥伦比亚反伊斯兰GI组织抗议期间将拖拉机撞入警车。 Man charged after crashing tractor into police vehicle during anti-SOGI protest in BC.
一名来自不列颠哥伦比亚省奇利瓦克的 54 岁男子在 2023 年的一次反 SOGI 抗议活动中,他的拖拉机与不列颠哥伦比亚省公路巡逻车相撞后,被指控逃离警察、危险驾驶车辆以及用武器袭击警察。 A 54-year-old man from Chilliwack, British Columbia, has been charged with fleeing police, dangerous operation of a vehicle, and assaulting a police officer with a weapon after a crash between his tractor and a BC Highway Patrol vehicle during an anti-SOGI protest in 2023. 抗议车队从 Chilliwack 前往温哥华, 悬挂着一面国旗, 上面写着“停止123 SOGI”, 提到关于性取向和性别认同的课堂准则。 The protest convoy, traveling from Chilliwack to Vancouver, carried a flag reading "stop SOGI 123," referring to classroom guidelines on sexual orientation and gender identity. 司机受重伤,而警官受轻伤。 The driver sustained serious injuries, while the officer had minor injuries. 该名男子于12月18日被捕,将于1月16日出庭。 The man was arrested on December 18 and will appear in court on January 16. 独立调查办公室清除了警方在调查中的任何不法行为。 The Independent Investigations Office cleared police of any wrongdoing in their investigation.