温哥华警官因与行人相撞造成严重伤害而面临潜在指控,正在接受卑诗省独立调查办公室的调查。 Vancouver police officer faces potential charges for collision with pedestrian causing serious harm, under investigation by Independent Investigations Office of B.C.
温哥华警察在与行人发生碰撞后可能面临指控,这是不列颠哥伦比亚独立调查局的调查,后者向皇家检察官报告说,该警官可能犯有与使用其警车有关的罪行。 Vancouver police officer faces potential charges after collision with pedestrian, investigations by Independent Investigations Office of B.C., who reported to Crown prosecutors that the officer may have committed an offence in relation to the use of their police vehicle. 参与碰撞的妇女遭受的伤害达到《省级警察法》规定的严重伤害的临界值。 The woman involved in the collision sustained an injury that meets the threshold of serious harm as defined by the provincial Police Act. IIO 是不列颠哥伦比亚省警察的独立民事监督机构,负责调查所有导致严重伤害或死亡的与警官相关的事件。 The IIO is the independent civilian oversight agency of the police in British Columbia and investigates all officer-related incidents resulting in serious harm or death. 不列颠哥伦比亚检察院现在必须决定是否批准任何指控,同时考虑到定罪的可能性和公共利益。 The BC Prosecution Service must now decide whether to approve any charges, considering the likelihood of conviction and public interest.