在兰利的混乱街头赛车活动中袭击RCMP警官后被捕的青少年. Teen arrested after assaulting RCMP officer during chaotic street racing event in Langley.
1月24日,一名16岁儿童在加拿大兰利Gloucester Way附近(约有200人参加)的一次街头赛事中袭击了一名加拿大皇家骑警官员,随后于1月24日被捕。 A 16-year-old was arrested on January 24 after assaulting an RCMP officer during a street racing event near Gloucester Way in Langley, Canada, involving about 200 participants. 当人群变得不守规矩时,事件升级,导致部署精制的能源武器和胡椒喷雾剂。 The incident escalated when the crowd became unruly, leading to the deployment of a conducted energy weapon and pepper spray. 嫌疑人最初逃脱,但后来被警犬抓回。 The suspect initially escaped but was later recaptured by police dogs. 该青少年现在面临包括袭击一名警官在内的指控。 The teenager now faces charges including assault of a police officer. 苏普特。 Supt. 兰利RCMP的代理主管Harm Dosange对公共安全表示关切,并宣布加强该地区的巡逻和交通执法。 Harm Dosange, Langley RCMP's Officer-in-Charge, expressed concern over public safety and announced increased patrols and traffic enforcement in the area.