不列颠哥伦比亚省人权法庭同意审理针对前Chilliwack学校托管人Barry Neufeld的案件,指控他发表有关SOGI123的网上仇恨言论。 BC Human Rights Tribunal agrees to hear case against former Chilliwack school trustee Barry Neufeld for online hate speech regarding SOGI 123.
公元前 B.C. 人权法庭同意审理涉及前Chilliwack学校董事Barry Neufeld在线仇恨言论的案件。 Human Rights Tribunal agrees to hear case involving online hate speech by former Chilliwack school trustee Barry Neufeld. 不列颠哥伦比亚省教师联合会代表Chilliwack教师协会对Neufeld提起诉讼,要求他2017年在网上就SOGI 123(在不列颠哥伦比亚省学校实施的性取向和性别认同指南)发表意见。 The case was filed by the British Columbia Teachers' Federation, acting on behalf of the Chilliwack Teachers' Association, against Neufeld for comments he made online in 2017 regarding SOGI 123, a sexual orientation and gender identity guide implemented in British Columbia schools. 法庭的裁决标志着在法律程序上向前迈出了一步,因为法庭批准案件供进一步审查和可能的解决办法,为在线空间的个人提供更广泛的保护。 The tribunal's decision marks a step forward in the legal process, as it approves the case for further examination and possible resolution, offering broader protections for individuals in online spaces.