五名直升机滑雪者在惠斯勒被雪崩所困;所有人都被救出,三人住院. Five heli-skiers were caught in an avalanche in Whistler; all rescued, three hospitalized.
威斯勒直升滑雪场的五名直升滑雪者在2024年12月23日在佩伯顿附近的雪崩中被困. Five heli-skiers from Whistler Heli-Skiing were caught in an avalanche near Pemberton on December 23, 2024. 4人被完全埋葬,1人被部分埋葬。 Four were fully buried and one partially buried. 全部获救,状况稳定,3人被送往Whistler医院。 All were rescued and are in stable condition, with three transported to a Whistler hospital. 雪崩是由一个叫做"Meadow"的后国地区的商业活动引发的。 The avalanche was triggered by commercial activity in a backcountry area called "Meadow." 雪崩的危险在高山被评为“可观”,在树上被评为“中度”。 The avalanche danger was rated "considerable" in the alpine and "moderate" in the treeline.