土耳其军械工厂的爆炸造成12人死亡,4人受伤,原因正在调查中。 Explosion at Turkish armament factory kills 12, injures 4, with cause under investigation.
星期二土耳其西北部Balikesir的一家军备厂发生爆炸,造成12人死亡、4人受伤。 An explosion at an armament factory in Balikesir, northwest Turkey, on Tuesday killed 12 people and injured four. 爆炸摧毁了胶囊生产大楼,对附近建筑物造成轻微损坏。 The blast destroyed the capsule production building and caused minor damage to nearby structures. 当局排除了破坏行为,并对爆炸原因展开调查。 Authorities ruled out sabotage and launched an investigation into the cause of the explosion. 紧急服务机构正在向受影响的个人和家庭提供支持。 Emergency services are providing support to the affected individuals and families.