由于联邦授权到期,阿拉巴马州已无法再取代被盗的SNAP福利。 Alabama can no longer replace stolen SNAP benefits due to expired federal authorization.
至2024年12月21日,阿拉巴马州阿拉巴马州因国会授权到期,已无法再取代被盗的补充营养援助方案福利。 As of December 21, 2024, Alabama can no longer replace stolen Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits due to expired Congressional authorization. 国家将只处理2022年10月1日至2024年12月20日期间发生的欺诈事件的宣誓证词,报告必须在发现后30天内提交。 The state will only process affidavits for fraud incidents occurring between October 1, 2022, and December 20, 2024, with reports needing to be submitted within 30 days of discovery. 受到EBT打卡和克隆影响的家庭仍然可以要求补偿这些事件。 Households impacted by EBT card skimming and cloning can still seek reimbursement for these incidents.