俄勒冈州SNAP的接收者有30天时间请求在严重暴风雨之后替换粮食。 SNAP recipients in Oregon have 30 days to request food replacement after severe storms.
俄勒冈州受11月19日至20日严重风暴影响的22个州的SNAP领取者现在有30天时间申请食品替代津贴,比原定的10天期限延长。 SNAP recipients in 22 Oregon counties affected by a severe storm on Nov. 19-20 now have 30 days to request food replacement benefits, an extension from the original 10-day deadline. 由于强风和暴雨造成大面积停电,俄勒冈州公众服务部获得联邦批准延长。 The Oregon Department of Human Services received federal approval for the extension due to widespread power outages caused by strong winds and heavy rain. 领取者必须证明损失的食品的成本和破坏,最高重置额相当于其每月国家营养计划津贴。 Recipients must prove the cost and destruction of lost food, with a maximum replacement amount equal to their monthly SNAP benefit.