亚拉巴马的EBT系统将关闭 Dec 7 -8 用于维修 在最近的欺诈案件发生后 Alabama's EBT system will be offline Dec 7-8 for maintenance, following recent fraud cases.
阿拉巴马人力资源部(DHR)将从12月7日下午10:00至12月8日上午6:00关闭州电子福利转移(EBT)系统,用于维护。 The Alabama Department of Human Resources (DHR) will shut down the state's Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system from December 7 at 10:00 p.m. to December 8 at 6:00 a.m. for maintenance. 这包括为新特征的系统做好准备,并加强安全措施,在此之前,最近广泛发生了EBT欺诈案件,影响到许多居民,包括在感恩节前几周盗窃SNAP资金。 This includes preparing the system for new features and enhancing security measures, following recent widespread EBT fraud cases that affected numerous residents, including the theft of SNAP funds weeks before Thanksgiving. 自6月以来,人力司一直在制订更新的EBT卡安全计划。 The DHR has been working on an updated safety plan for EBT cards since June.