San Francisco使用Waymo的没有司机的出租车的妇女报告受到骚扰,包括被男子追赶。 Women using Waymo's driverless taxis in San Francisco report harassment, including being chased by men.
San Francisco的妇女使用Waymo的没有司机的出租车报告了骚扰事件,包括男子追赶和挡住车辆,并试图闯入。 Women in San Francisco using Waymo's driverless taxis have reported incidents of harassment, including men chasing and blocking the vehicles, and attempts to break in. 一名妇女被追赶后要求紧急服务,但被告知警察无法对流动车辆作出反应。 One woman called emergency services after being chased, but was told police couldn't respond to a moving vehicle. Waymo说,这类事件很少发生,并且保证有辅助人员帮助乘客和与执法部门合作。 Waymo says such incidents are rare and assures support staff are available to help passengers and work with law enforcement.