旧金山唐人街的自动驾驶 Waymo 车辆遭到人群袭击。 Self-driving Waymo vehicle in San Francisco's Chinatown attacked by crowd.
周六晚上,一辆 Waymo 自动驾驶汽车在旧金山唐人街遭到人群袭击。 A Waymo self-driving vehicle was attacked by a crowd in San Francisco's Chinatown on Saturday evening. 该车被大约 10 至 15 人包围,他们在车上涂鸦、砸碎窗户以及向车内扔点燃的烟花,对车进行破坏。 The vehicle was surrounded by around 10 to 15 people who vandalized it by drawing graffiti, smashing windows, and throwing a lit firework inside. 烟花导致车辆着火。 The firework caused the vehicle to catch fire. 消防部门在社交媒体上发布了被烧毁汽车的照片,称火灾是烟花引起的。 The fire department posted pictures of the burned-out car on social media, stating that the firework had started the blaze. 没有人员伤亡报告,当时车辆上也没有载有任何乘客。 No injuries were reported, and the vehicle was not carrying any passengers at the time.