Waymo 无人驾驶汽车在凤凰城因逆行被拦下,但未发布任何违规信息。 Waymo driverless car pulled over for wrong-way driving in Phoenix, no infringements issued.
警方随身摄像机拍摄的画面显示,一辆 Waymo 无人驾驶汽车因在凤凰城逆向行驶而被拦下。 Police body cam footage shows a Waymo driverless car being pulled over for driving on the wrong side of the road in Phoenix. 事故发生时,这辆配备有通讯系统的自动驾驶 SUV 在接到警察信号后“惊慌失措”,闯了红灯。 The incident occurred when the autonomous SUV, equipped with a communication system, "freaked out" and ran a red light after being signaled by the police officer. 警官发现当时车内没有人。 The officer discovered no one was inside the vehicle at the time. 尽管发生了这一不寻常的事件,但警官并没有对 Waymo 发出任何违规警告。 Despite the unusual incident, the officer did not issue any infringements to Waymo.