联合王国的商业信心在12月下降到2024年的低点,尽管工资年同比增长6.5%。 UK business confidence fell to a 2024 low in December, though pay grew by 6.5% year-over-year.
联合王国的商业信心在12月达到2024年的低点,据劳埃德银行称,跌至39%,尽管仍高于29%的长期平均数。 UK business confidence hit a 2024 low in December, dropping to 39% according to Lloyds Bank, despite remaining above the long-term average of 29%. 虽然公司对其贸易前景不那么乐观, 但对于更广阔的经济来说, 乐观度略有增加。 While firms show less optimism about their trading prospects, there's a slight increase in optimism for the wider economy. 尽管经济放缓,工资增长仍然强劲,平均工资逐年增长6.5%。 Despite the economic slowdown, pay growth remains robust, with average salaries increasing by 6.5% year-over-year.