被严重忽视的前赛马 Dash 从 Ballinasloe 博览会上获救,引发了对所有权规则审查的呼吁。 Severely neglected ex-racehorse Dash rescued from Ballinasloe Fair, spurring calls for ownership rule review.
10月,营救人员在Ballinasloe Fair 发现一个7岁严重被忽视的前赛马,名叫Dash。 In October, rescuers found a severely neglected seven-year-old ex-racehorse named Dash at the Ballinasloe Fair. Dash在赛车生涯中赢得超过20,000欧元。 Covered in sores and tied to a fence, Dash had won over €20,000 in his racing career. 爱尔兰防止虐待动物协会(ISPCA)救了他,促使人们呼吁审查阿奎内所有权转让规则。 The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA) rescued him, leading to calls for a review of equine ownership transfer rules. 《国际粮安方案》敦促马主优先考虑动物福利,并向公众报告任何残忍行为。 The ISPCA urges horse owners to prioritize animal welfare and the public to report any cruelty.