4月5日,一匹身穿米色雨衣的逃亡赛马进入澳大利亚悉尼沃里克农场火车站,试图登上火车,随后被其主人发现并带走。 5 April, an escaped racehorse wearing a beige raincoat entered Warwick Farm train station in Sydney, Australia, attempting to board a train before being located and taken by its owner.
4月5日,一匹逃出的赛马在暴雨中进入澳大利亚悉尼沃里克农场火车站,并在站台上徘徊。 An escaped racehorse entered Warwick Farm train station in Sydney, Australia, on 5 April, wandering onto the platform amid heavy rainstorms. 这匹马身穿米色雨衣,在站台上小跑着,试图登上火车,然后追赶一名同行乘客。 The horse, wearing a beige raincoat, was seen trotting up and down the platform, attempting to board a train service before chasing a fellow passenger. 新南威尔士州交通局开玩笑地将这匹马报告为“失踪人员”,后来证实它已被找到并被其主人收留。 Transport for NSW jokingly reported the horse as a "missing individual" and later confirmed it was located and taken in by its owner.