3个月大的Miguel Pirjani的父母在据称袭击后出庭,被控在法院中死亡。 Parents of three-month-old Miguel Pirjani appear in court charged with his death after an alleged assault.
Klevi Pirjani,36岁和Nivalda Santos Pirjani,33岁,出庭受审,被控对其3个月大的儿子Miguel Pirjani造成严重身体伤害,Miguel Pirjani在据称的攻击发生几天后死亡。 Klevi Pirjani, 36, and Nivalda Santos Pirjani, 33, appeared in court charged with causing grievous bodily harm to their three-month-old son, Miguel Pirjani, who died days after the alleged assault. 11月24日,警察被叫到他们在Seacombe的家中,而Miguel于11月29日去世。 Police were called to their home in Seacombe on November 24, and Miguel died on November 29. 这对夫妇从监狱通过视频链接出现,定于5月19日或9月22日进行审判。 The couple, who appeared via videolink from prison, is scheduled for trial on May 19 or September 22.