4 岁的奥克塔维亚·阿基诺因头部/颈部创伤死亡;16 岁的克里斯蒂安·冈萨雷斯被控谋杀,女友黛丝汀·罗兹面临忽视指控。 4-year-old Octavia Aquino died from head/neck trauma; 16-year-old Christian Gonzalez charged with murder, girlfriend Destiny Rhoades faces neglect charges.
6 月 16 日,4 岁的奥克塔维亚·阿基诺因头部和颈部钝器伤并发症死亡。 4-year-old Octavia Aquino died from complications of blunt force trauma to the head and neck on June 16. 16 岁的克里斯蒂安·冈萨雷斯 (Christian Gonzalez) 被指控谋杀,而他的女友、奥克塔维亚的母亲、23 岁的黛丝汀·罗兹 (Destiny Rhoades) 因孩子的死亡而面临疏忽指控。 Christian Gonzalez, 16, has been charged with murder, while his girlfriend and Octavia's mother, 23-year-old Destiny Rhoades, faces neglect charges in the child's death. 验尸官办公室正在等待法医和毒理学分析的最终尸检结果。 The coroner's office is awaiting final autopsy results from forensic and toxicologic analysis.