Paula Roberts承认忽视了她的儿子Charlie,Charlie于22个月时去世;她的伴侣正在因谋杀罪受审。 Paula Roberts admitted neglecting her son Charlie, who died at 22 months; her partner is on trial for murder.
Paula Roberts, 41岁,承认忽视了她的儿子Charlie, Charlie 22个月大时死于致命伤。 Paula Roberts, 41, admitted neglecting her son Charlie, who died at 22 months old after suffering fatal injuries. Christopher Stockton 38岁 她的搭档和Charlie的父亲 正在因谋杀罪受审 否认指控 Christopher Stockton, 38, her partner and Charlie's father, is on trial for murder, denying the charges. 检察官声称Stockton在深夜玩电子游戏时造成Charlie受伤,包括瘀伤和脑出血。 Prosecutors claim Stockton caused Charlie's injuries, including bruising and brain bleeding, while playing video games late at night. Roberts出于安全考虑 在Charlie的房间里安装了一台隐藏的摄像头 Roberts had installed a hidden camera in Charlie's room out of safety concerns. Stockton最初告诉当局Charlie被饼干掐死了 Stockton initially told authorities Charlie choked on a biscuit.