父母在其3个月大的儿子在照料下死亡后被指控犯有谋杀罪。 Parents charged with murder after their three-month-old son died in their care.
一名36岁的男子和一名34岁的妇女Klevi和Nivalda Pirjani被指控谋杀,因为他们的3个月的儿子Miguel在11月24日被赶往医院五天后死亡。 A 36-year-old man and a 34-year-old woman, Klevi and Nivalda Pirjani, have been charged with murder after their three-month-old son, Miguel, died five days after being rushed to the hospital on November 24th. 这对夫妇最初被控造成严重身体伤害,现在又面临谋杀和造成或允许儿童死亡的附加指控。 Initially charged with causing grievous bodily harm, the couple now faces additional charges of murder and causing or allowing the death of a child. 他们将于1月27日在利物浦治安法院出庭。 They are set to appear in Liverpool Magistrates' Court on January 27th.