KLM客户为收取应退还航班的退款而挣扎,突出行业偿还问题。 KLM customers struggle to receive refunds for their refundable flights, highlighting industry reimbursement issues.
旅行者在收取KLM应退还航班的退款方面面临困难。 Travelers are facing difficulties in receiving refunds from KLM for their refundable flights. 尽管有权领取这笔钱,但许多客户没有收到退款,导致挫折和拖延。 Despite being entitled to the money, many customers have not received their refunds, leading to frustration and delays. 这个问题突出了旅行业在及时偿还费用方面的共同问题。 The issue highlights common problems in the travel industry regarding timely reimbursements.