法国总统Macron说Telegram创始人被捕并非出于政治动机, French President Macron says Telegram founder's arrest not politically motivated, part of judicial investigation.
法国总统Emmanuel Macron指出,逮捕Telegram创始人Pavel Durov并非出于政治动机。 French President Emmanuel Macron stated that the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov was not politically motivated. Macron强调捍卫言论自由的重要性,确保拘留Durov是正在进行的司法调查的一部分,与任何政治议程无关。 Macron emphasized the importance of defending free expression, assuring that Durov's detention was part of an ongoing judicial investigation and not linked to any political agenda. 法国总统的立场旨在向公众保证,逮捕不是政治驱动的,而是继续侧重于维护个人权利和自由。 The French president's stance aims to reassure the public that the arrest is not politically driven and remains focused on upholding individual rights and freedoms.