中国的科学期刊在质量和数量上都出现了飞涨,但中文和英文标题之间仍然存在差距。 China's scientific journals see surge in quality and number, but gap persists between Chinese and English titles.
根据最近一份报告,中国科学期刊的质量和影响力在过去十年中有了显著改善。 China's scientific journals have significantly improved in quality and influence over the past decade, according to a recent report. 期刊总数从2022年的5,163本增加到2023年的5,211本,新增48本英文。 The total number of journals rose to 5,211 in 2023, up from 5,163 in 2022, with 48 new English titles. 由于2019年卓越行动计划,引用频率和影响因素稳步增长。 Citation frequency and impact factors have seen steady growth, attributed to a 2019 excellence action plan. 然而,中文和英文期刊之间在质量上仍然存在差距,政策支持和资金也存在差距。 However, there remains a gap in quality between Chinese- and English-language journals, with disparities in policy support and funding.