中国的CATL计划明年启动1 000个EV电池交换站, China's CATL plans to launch 1,000 EV battery swap stations next year, aiming for 10,000 stations.
中国最大的EV电池制造商CATL计划明年启动1000个电池互换站, China's largest EV battery maker, CATL, plans to launch 1,000 battery swap stations next year, aiming for 10,000 stations long-term. Robin Zeng首席执行官认为电池交换是EV基础设施的一个关键部分,为再充电提供了更快的替代方法。 CEO Robin Zeng sees battery swapping as a key part of EV infrastructure, offering a faster alternative to recharging. 虽然对出租车和公共汽车等车队车辆有效,但将不同EV模式的电池包标准化仍然是一个挑战。 While effective for fleet vehicles like taxis and buses, standardizing battery packs across different EV models remains a challenge. 该举措与中国在EVs方面的领导力相一致,并得到政府对绿色技术的支持。 The initiative aligns with China's leadership in EVs, backed by government support for green technology.