宁德时代计划到 2025 年在中国大规模扩建电动汽车电池更换站。 CATL plans major expansion of EV battery swapping stations in China for 2025.
中国领先的电池制造商宁德时代计划在 2025 年扩建电动汽车 (EV) 电池更换站。 China's leading battery maker, CATL, plans to expand electric vehicle (EV) battery swapping stations in 2025. 这项技术允许驾驶员在几分钟内将耗尽的电池换成充满电的电池。 This technology allows drivers to swap a depleted battery for a fully-charged one in minutes. 虽然由于电动汽车的高采用率和政府的支持,该车型在中国取得了成功,但由于需要标准化电池和大量投资,该车型的全球成功尚不确定。 While successful in China due to high EV adoption and government support, the model's global success is uncertain due to the need for standardized batteries and significant investment. 它可能对拼车和车队车辆特别有用。 It could be particularly useful for ride-sharing and fleet vehicles.