加拿大的华人散居国外者看到“朋友租借”服务激增, 以对抗孤独。 Canada's Chinese diaspora sees surge in 'rent-a-friend' services to combat loneliness.
在加拿大华人外流中, "租朋友"行业正在勃发展, The 'rent-a-friend' industry is booming among Canada's Chinese diaspora, with dozens offering paid companionship services on social media like Xiaohongshu in cities such as Vancouver, Calgary, and Toronto. 这一趋势的驱动因素是新移民之间的孤立和孤独感,从陪伴到任务援助提供服务,帮助他们适应新的环境和文化障碍。 This trend is driven by feelings of isolation and loneliness among new immigrants, offering services from companionship to task assistance, helping them adapt to a new environment and cultural barriers. 专家们将此与中国类似的伴侣经济联系在一起,其特点是心理健康和孤独的社会污名化。 Experts link this to similar companionship economies in China, marked by social stigmas around mental health and loneliness.