AI工具推动建立假在线审查, 混淆消费者及催化镇压。 AI tools boost creation of fake online reviews, confusing consumers and prompting crackdowns.
人工智能工具使欺诈者能够以更快的速度创建虚假的在线审查,对消费者、商人和服务供应商构成重大挑战。 AI tools are enabling fraudsters to create fake online reviews at a faster rate, posing a significant challenge to consumers, merchants, and service providers. 假评已经成为亚马逊和Yelp等网站的一个问题, Fake reviews, already an issue on sites like Amazon and Yelp, have surged due to AI-infused tools like ChatGPT. 透明公司报告说,在所分析的7 300万份审查中,近14%可能是伪造的,其中230万份是部分或完全由人工智能生成的。 The Transparency Company reported that nearly 14% of 73 million analyzed reviews were likely fake, with 2.3 million partially or fully AI-generated. 联邦贸易委员会已禁止假审查,各公司正在制订发现和消除这些审查的政策,在用户灵活性与真实经验之间取得平衡。 The Federal Trade Commission has banned fake reviews, and companies are developing policies to detect and remove them, balancing user flexibility with genuine experiences.