公平贸易委员会最后确定了一项规则,禁止欺骗性在线审查做法和惩罚违法者。 The FTC finalized a rule banning deceptive online review practices and penalizing violators.
联邦贸易委员会已经最终制定了一项规则,禁止企业使用与在线评论有关的欺骗行为,例如购买,销售或推广假评论,包括人工智能生成的评论,审查负面评论,并为正面评论付第三方费用. The FTC has finalized a rule banning businesses from deceptive practices related to online reviews, such as purchasing, selling, or promoting fake reviews, including AI-generated ones, censoring negative reviews, and paying third parties for positive reviews. 公平贸易委员会的这一行动旨在保护消费者免受误导信息的影响,提高在线审查的透明度。 This move by the FTC aims to protect consumers from misleading information and promote transparency in online reviews. 违反规则的企业将受到罚款。 Businesses that violate the rules face financial penalties. 新规则还禁止歪曲独立审查或意见,目的是提高消费者的信心,鼓励对产品进行更诚实的评价。 The new rule also prohibits misrepresentation of independent reviews or opinions and aims to improve consumer confidence and encourage more honest evaluations of products.