公平贸易委员会禁止AI Rytr公司出售产生虚假在线审评的服务。 FTC bans AI firm Rytr from selling services that generate fake online reviews.
公平贸易委员会已与AI Rytr公司达成和解,禁止该公司出售产生虚假审查的服务。 The FTC has settled with AI company Rytr, banning it from selling services that generate fake reviews. 该机构指称,Rytr的服务允许用户制造欺骗性审查,违反了《公平贸易法》。 The agency alleged that Rytr's service let users create deceptive reviews, violating the FTC Act. 尽管TechNet表示反对, 认为这项行动可能会扼杀AI的创新, 公平贸易委员会仍坚持其立场, Despite opposition from TechNet, which argues the action may stifle AI innovation, the FTC maintained its stance, emphasizing the prohibition is narrowly focused on preventing consumer deception.