Google同意采取新措施, 在英国打击假审查, Google agrees to new measures to fight fake reviews in the UK, following a CMA investigation.
在竞争和市场管理局调查之后,Google同意采取新措施,打击联合王国的虚假在线审查。 Google has agreed to new measures to combat fake online reviews in the UK, following an investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). 该公司将执行更严格的步骤,以发现和消除欺诈性审查,并处罚所涉企业和个人。 The company will implement stricter steps to detect and remove fraudulent reviews and penalize businesses and individuals involved. 假评的英国企业将面临警告警报和新评审的停止, 而重复违法者可能会被删除的评审长达六个月. UK businesses with fake reviews will face warning alerts and a halt on new reviews, while repeat offenders may have their reviews deleted for up to six months. Google也将使消费者更容易报告可疑审查。 Google will also make it easier for consumers to report suspicious reviews. CMA的首席执行官Sarah Cardell说,这些变化将确保进行可靠审查的有力程序。 The CMA's CEO, Sarah Cardell, said these changes will ensure robust processes for trustworthy reviews. 该监督员也在调查亚马逊的类似问题。 The watchdog is also investigating Amazon for similar issues.