联合王国教育秘书建议为教师开展远程工作,以遏制高辞职率。 UK Education Secretary proposes remote work for teachers to stem high resignation rates.
英国教育秘书Bridget Phillison提议允许所有国立学校教师远程工作,完成标记和计划解决教师留用危机等任务。 UK Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson proposes allowing all state school teachers to work remotely for tasks like marking and planning to tackle a teacher retention crisis. 一项调查发现,47%的教师由于工作条件不灵活而考虑离开。 A survey found 47% of teachers considering leaving due to inflexible working conditions. 政府旨在改善保留率,并推出《儿童福祉法案》,以提高教育标准和儿童的生活机会。 The government aims to improve retention and introduce the Children's Wellbeing Bill to enhance educational standards and children's life chances.