由于师资短缺,西澳大利亚州呼吁退休教师重返工作岗位。 Western Australia appeals to retired teachers to rejoin work due to teaching staff shortages.
由于人手短缺,西澳大利亚州呼吁退休教师重返工作岗位。 Western Australia calls on retired teachers to return to work due to staff shortages. 州政府向前教师发送短信,引导他们到州教育部的定期教师库寻找潜在的定期教学机会。 The state government sends text messages to former teachers, directing them to the state Department of Education's Fixed Term Teacher Pool for potential fixed-term teaching opportunities. 该系最近从海外聘请了100名新教师,并计划再引进100名来填补空缺。 The Department recently hired 100 new teachers from overseas and plans to bring in another 100 to fill vacancies.