通常因出生日期不同而变化的社会保障金将在12月24日因圣诞节而支付。 Social Security payments, usually varying by birthdate, will be made on December 24 due to Christmas.
2024年的最后一笔社会保障金将在12月24日比通常提前一天支付,因为圣诞节假期。 The last Social Security payment of 2024 will be made a day earlier than usual, on December 24, due to the Christmas holiday. 付款通常根据领取者的出生日期而有所不同,21至31岁出生的人通常在18日领取津贴。 Payments typically vary based on recipients' birthdates, with those born between the 21st and 31st usually receiving theirs on the 18th. 退休人员的月平均付款额为1 907美元。 The average monthly payment for retirees is $1,907. 从2025年起,由于生活费用调整,支付额将自动增加2.5%。 Starting in 2025, payments will automatically increase by 2.5% due to the Cost of Living Adjustment.