Scammers在欺骗被监禁者的家庭成员, 让他们通过应用程序支付释放费, 警告LCSO。 Scammers are tricking family members of jailed individuals into paying fees for release via app, warns LCSO.
夏默尔人冒充官员,将关押在Lane县监狱的成年人家庭成员作为目标,要求通过Venmo或Apple Pay付款,以便通过脚踝监视器或心理健康治疗释放。 Scammers are impersonating officials to target family members of adults in custody at Lane County Jail, requesting payments via Venmo or Apple Pay for release on ankle monitors or mental health treatment. Lane县治安官办公室(LCSO)和预审处警告说,合理的付款要求只能在监狱里亲自接受。 The Lane County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) and Pre-Trial Services warn that legitimate requests for payments are only accepted in person at the jail. 他们建议挂断电话,向LCSO报告任何可疑电话。 They advise hanging up and reporting any suspicious calls to LCSO.