警长警告骗局 假冒的副警长要求 Bitcoin支付 假定的逮捕令。 Sheriff warns of scam where fake deputies demand Bitcoin payments for supposed warrants.
布朗郡治安官办公室警告一个电话骗局,诈骗犯假冒副手,声称受害人错过了开庭日期并持有逮捕令。 The Brown County Sheriff's Office warns of a phone scam where scammers impersonate deputies, claiming victims have missed court dates and have arrest warrants. Scammers指示受害者提取钱财,使用类似Coinstar的机器购买Bitcoin。 Scammers instruct victims to withdraw money and purchase Bitcoin using Coinstar-like machines. Hill警长强调,没有合法的执法部门会通过电话要求钱财,受害者应该向当局报告这些电话。 Sheriff Hill stresses that no legitimate law enforcement will ask for money over the phone, and victims should report such calls to authorities.