包括5名囚犯在内的6人因剥削和抢劫波克县一名残疾囚犯而被捕。 Six people, including five inmates, arrested for exploiting and robbing a disabled inmate in Polk County.
包括5名囚犯和1名女友在内的6人在波尔克县因剥削和袭击一名残疾囚犯而被捕。 Six people, including five inmates and one girlfriend, have been arrested in Polk County for exploiting and assaulting a disabled inmate. 该团伙强迫受害者放弃其借记卡和与残疾基金有联系的PIN,交给外部共犯,后者利用这些资金擅自购买,并让其他囚犯受益。 The group forced the victim to give up his debit card and PIN, linked to his disability funds, to the outside accomplice, who used the funds for unauthorized purchases and to benefit other inmates. 调查正在进行中,可能要支付额外费用。 The investigation is ongoing with potential additional charges.