警长警告诈骗 欺诈者假冒律师 为了假保释勒索钱款 Sheriff warns of scam where fraudsters impersonate lawyers to extort money for fake bail.
Van Buren县警长Daniel Abbott警告居民, 诈骗者假扮律师, 声称家人遭监禁, 需要15000美元保释。 Van Buren County Sheriff Daniel Abbott has warned residents about a scam where fraudsters pose as lawyers, claiming a family member is jailed and needs $15,000 for bail. 1月10日,一名当地居民被骗支付这笔金额。 A local resident was tricked into paying the sum on January 10. 黑帮可能利用LYFT信使来收钱和威胁进一步勒索。 Scammers may use LYFT couriers to collect money and threaten further extortion. 郡长办公室强调,他们不以这种方式要求支付保证金,并敦促居民核实这些说法。 The Sheriff's Office stresses that they do not request bond payments this way and urges residents to verify such claims.