卡塔尔威胁,如果严格执行新的尽责法,将停止向欧盟出口天然气。 Qatar threatens to stop gas exports to EU if new due diligence law is strictly enforced.
卡塔尔能源部长Saad al-Kaabi警告说,如果该集团严格执行其新的公司可持续性尽职调查指令,卡塔尔将停止向欧盟出口天然气。 Qatar's Energy Minister, Saad al-Kaabi, warned that Qatar will halt gas exports to the EU if the bloc strictly enforces its new Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. 法律要求公司检查其供应链,以检查其强迫劳动和环境损害情况,并处以罚款,最高可达全球营业额的5%。 The law requires companies to check their supply chains for forced labor and environmental damage, with penalties including fines up to 5% of global turnover. 卡塔尔寻求扩大其在全球天然气市场,特别是亚洲和欧洲天然气市场的作用,因此采取了这一行动。 This move comes as Qatar seeks to expand its role in global gas markets, particularly in Asia and Europe.