日本大使强调深化与卡塔尔的经济联系,将能源扩大到技术和国防。 Japanese Ambassador highlights deepening economic ties with Qatar, expanding beyond energy to tech and defense.
日本的Satoshi Maeda大使强调了日本和卡塔尔之间强有力的经济联系,指出2023年日本对卡塔尔的出口创历史新高,这主要是由于汽车零件和天然气田钢管造成的。 Japanese Ambassador Satoshi Maeda highlighted the strong economic ties between Japan and Qatar, noting record-high Japanese exports to Qatar in 2023, mainly due to automobile parts and steel pipes for gas fields. 这些国家还正在扩大半导体、电池、国防和清洁能源方面的合作,与卡塔尔的《2030年国家愿景》目标保持一致。 The countries are also expanding collaboration in semiconductors, batteries, defense, and clean energy, aligning with Qatar's National Vision 2030 goals. 这一伙伴关系标志着从传统的能源重点向更广泛的经济和技术合作转变。 This partnership marks a shift from a traditional energy focus to broader economic and technological cooperation.