新南威尔士州和西澳大利亚州的警察在反刀行动中逮捕和缴获了数十件武器。 Police in New South Wales and Western Australia made dozens of arrests and seized weapons in anti-knife operations.
在打击刀犯罪的过程中,新南威尔士州警方开展了“foil行动”,逮捕了70人,没收了62件武器,包括刀和火器,导致350多起指控。 In a crackdown on knife crime, New South Wales police conducted "Operation Foil," arresting 70 people and seizing 62 weapons, including knives and firearms, leading to over 350 charges. 这项行动涉及900多次搜索和450次移动方向。 The operation involved over 900 searches and 450 move-on directions. 在另一项努力中,西澳大利亚州警方逮捕了35人,包括4名青少年,并在一次周末行动中缴获了21件武器,这次行动利用新的权力,在没有逮捕证的情况下搜查有刃的武器。 In a separate effort, Western Australia's police arrested 35 people, including four juveniles, and seized 21 weapons during a weekend operation using new powers to search for edged weapons without a warrant.