澳大利亚警方在“突击行动”中指控了10人,缴获毒品、被盗物品和武器。 Australian police charged ten people in Operation Surge, seizing drugs, stolen goods, and weapons.
在澳大利亚新南威尔士州,警方以毒品、财产和火器犯罪指控十人。 Police operation in New South Wales, Australia, charged ten individuals for drug, property, and firearm offenses. 11 月 26 日至 27 日进行的 Surge 行动涉及搜查和缉获大麻、甲基苯丙胺、MDMA 和 GHB 等毒品,以及赃物和武器。 Operation Surge, conducted November 26-27, involved searches and seizures of drugs like cannabis, methamphetamine, MDMA, and GHB, as well as stolen goods and weapons. Chifley警区警长Darren Beeche警告说,将继续镇压非法活动。 Chifley Police District Superintendent Darren Beeche warned of continued crackdowns on illegal activities.