荷兰处于风警状态;强气压预计达100公里/小时,扰乱了旅行。 Netherlands under wind alert; strong gusts up to 100 km/h expected, disrupting travel.
荷兰气象研究所KNMI发布了《黄色警报规则》,对从星期天晚上至星期一上午吹袭北部省份的强风发出警报。 The Dutch weather institute, KNMI, has issued a Code Yellow alert for strong winds hitting northern provinces from Sunday night to Monday morning. 风速可达内陆每小时80公里,沿海每小时100公里,可能扰乱公共交通,造成空中旅行延误。 Wind speeds could reach up to 80 km per hour inland and 100 km per hour along the coast, potentially disrupting public transport and causing delays in air travel. 该警报涵盖荷兰北部、弗里斯兰、格罗宁根、瓦登海和伊日塞尔湖地区,尤其对骑自行车者、卡车司机和拖车构成风险。 The alert covers North Holland, Friesland, Groningen, the Wadden Sea, and the Ijssel Lake region, with particular risks to cyclists, truck drivers, and those towing trailers.