诺福克郡发布黄色大风警告直至上午 11 点,影响交通、海滨和电力。 Yellow wind warning issued in Norfolk until 11am, affecting travel, sea fronts, and power.
诺福克郡发布大风黄色天气预警,持续至上午 11 点,范围覆盖该郡大部分地区,包括海岸线。 Yellow weather warning for wind issued in Norfolk until 11am, covering most of the county, including the coastline. 异常强劲的北至西北风可能会造成交通中断,使海滨和沿海社区受到浪花和巨浪的影响,并有造成短期停电的风险。 Unseasonably strong north-to-northwesterly winds may cause disruption to travel, affect sea fronts & coastal communities with spray and large waves, and risk short-term power loss. 据英国气象局和英国气象局预测,天气将很快变暖,并可能出现热浪。 Warmer weather and potential heatwave expected soon, according to Met Office and British Weather Services.