美国洪水风险上升,因为99%的溪流缺乏监测,妨碍准确的预警和规划。 Flood risks rise in the U.S. as 99% of streams lack monitoring, hampering accurate warnings and planning.
由于气候变化,美国水灾风险正在增加,全国99%的洪水流未受到监测,导致洪水模型不准确,预警不足。 Flood risks in the U.S. are increasing due to climate change, with 99% of the nation's streams unmonitored, leading to inaccurate flood models and insufficient warnings. 这为风险评估和基础设施规划带来了挑战。 This poses challenges for risk assessments and infrastructure planning. 为改进预测和应急工作,专家建议通过公私伙伴关系和地方举措,扩大水流测量网络。 To improve forecasts and emergency responses, experts recommend expanding the stream gauge network through public-private partnerships and local initiatives.