大多数美国溪流缺乏监测,冒着不准确的洪水警报和危及生命的风险。 Most U.S. streams lack monitoring, risking inaccurate flood warnings and endangering lives.
几乎所有的美国溪流都缺乏监测测量仪,使大多数易受山洪暴发影响的地区缺乏准确预警的数据。 Nearly all U.S. streams lack monitoring gauges, leaving most areas vulnerable to flash floods with limited data for accurate warnings. 2024年,洪水毁坏了十几个州的住宅,造成165多人死亡。 In 2024, floods damaged homes in over a dozen states and killed over 165 people. 目前的模型依赖有限的数据,往往低估了洪涝风险,特别是在小型和城市流域。 Current models, which rely on limited data, often underestimate flood risks, especially in small and urban watersheds. 加强溪流网络可以改进洪水预测和应急反应。 Enhancing the streamgage network could improve flood predictions and emergency responses.