公司在推广其微型住房项目时,会因使用误导性图像而受到监督。 Company faces scrutiny for using misleading images in promoting their micro-shelter housing project.
一家促进微型住房项目的公司因在介绍中滥用图像而受到审查。 A company promoting a micro-shelter project has come under scrutiny for misusing images in their presentations. 这些庇护所旨在提供负担得起的住房,其展示照片并不准确反映实际建设的结构。 The shelters, intended to provide affordable housing, were showcased with photos that did not accurately represent the actual structures built. 这引起了对该公司的营销做法及其项目进展的真实状况的关切。 This has raised concerns about the company's marketing practices and the true state of their project's progress.