在不列颠哥伦比亚省,富人购买了有补贴的经济适用房,这促使对新民主党政府的监督和透明度进行审查。 In B.C., wealthy individuals purchased subsidized affordable units, prompting scrutiny of NDP government's oversight and transparency.
不列颠哥伦比亚省的一个丑闻显示,富人购买了维维德大楼的补贴单元,供中等收入的首次买家购买。 A scandal in British Columbia revealed that wealthy individuals purchased subsidized units in the Vivid building, intended for middle-income first-time buyers. 尽管有违反规则的证据,但国民民主党政府选择在进行中的法律诉讼中保持沉默。 Despite evidence of rule violations, the NDP government chose to remain silent during ongoing legal proceedings. 住房部还购回了一些单元,但直到媒体监督才公开承认这一问题。 The Ministry of Housing bought back some units but did not publicly acknowledge the issue until media scrutiny emerged. 这种情况引起人们对该机构的监督和透明度的关切。 The situation raises concerns about the agency's oversight and transparency.