波士顿妇女因据称在玩具车场上盗窃而被捕;被控盗窃和企图犯罪。 Boston woman arrested for alleged theft at toy drive event; charged with larceny and attempt to commit a crime.
一名44岁的波士顿妇女Ji Li于星期五被捕,她涉嫌在Allston-Brighton玩具车道事件上盗窃财物,据称她从一个顾客那里偷了钱包。 A 44-year-old Boston woman, Ji Li, was arrested on Friday in connection with a theft at the Allston-Brighton Toy Drive event where she allegedly stole a purse from a patron. 警方在弥撒上发现她 Police spotted her on Mass. Ave, 并逮捕了她,罪名是盗窃和试图犯罪。 Ave. and arrested her on charges of larceny and attempt to commit a crime. 她预定在布赖顿地区法院被提审。 She is scheduled to be arraigned in Brighton District Court. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.