Lamaaya Winslow,29岁,因在爱荷华州窃取高档钱包而被捕。 Lamaya Winslow, 29, arrested for stealing high-end purses in Iowa as part of a theft ring.
拉马亚·温斯洛,29岁,来自辛辛那提,据称作为偷盗团伙的一部分,从爱荷华省商店偷高档钱包,因此被逮捕,并被指控犯有二级抢劫和阴谋罪。 Lamaya Winslow, a 29-year-old from Cincinnati, was arrested and charged with second-degree robbery and conspiracy after allegedly stealing high-end purses from Iowa department stores as part of a theft ring. Winslow和至少另外三个人开车从俄亥俄州到爱荷华州进行盗窃。 Winslow and at least three others drove from Ohio to Iowa to commit the thefts. 一名共同被告Brandon Hardin曾因类似指控被捕。 A co-defendant, Brandon Hardin, was previously arrested on similar charges. 当局仍在寻找另外两名嫌疑人。 Authorities are still looking for two other suspects.