Cass县Lawrence Road的滚轮坠毁事故中受伤的妇女,伤情详情不详。 Woman injured in rollover crash on Lawrence Road in Cass County, details of injuries unknown.
周五下午 12 点 40 分左右,一名来自马塞勒斯的 31 岁女性在卡斯县第 96 街以南的劳伦斯路发生翻车事故中受伤。她失去了对车辆的控制,车辆离开了道路并翻了车。 A 31-year-old woman from Marcellus was injured in a rollover crash on Lawrence Road south of 96th Street in Cass County on Friday afternoon around 12:40 p.m. She lost control of her vehicle, which left the road and overturned. 该妇女被送往医院,但她受伤的详细情况尚不清楚。 The woman was taken to the hospital, but details of her injuries are not yet known. 当局说,酒精或毒品不是事故中的因素。 Authorities say alcohol or drugs were not factors in the accident.