在林恩县的一次失事中,司机Ashna Akhtar Gul在车辆翻转后被引述,造成一名乘客受伤。 In a Linn County crash, driver Ashna Akhtar Gul was cited after her vehicle rolled over, injuring a passenger.
在林恩县一个感恩节下午的事故中,一次单一车辆撞车事故造成一人无生命危险受伤。 In a Thanksgiving afternoon accident in Linn County, a single-vehicle crash left one person with non-life-threatening injuries. 事件发生在下午4时30分左右,在Ely的Mabie Road,司机Ashna Akhtar Gul失去对车辆的控制,导致车辆翻转。 The incident occurred around 4:30 PM on Mabie Road in Ely when the driver, Ashna Akhtar Gul, lost control of the vehicle, causing it to roll over. 这名乘客被送往医院,而Gul则被指为未无保险地保持控制和驾驶。 The passenger was taken to the hospital, while Gul was cited for failure to maintain control and driving without insurance.